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🐾 PAW Patrules

🐾 Project

PAW Patrules is a collection of rules for IDPS / NSM Suricata engine.
PAW Patrules ruleset is hourly updated and permit to detect many events on network. Suspicious flow, malicious tool, unsuported and vulnerable system, known threat actors with various IOCs, lateral movement, bad practice, shadow IT... Rules are frequently updated.
You have not an NDR solution ? You can use SELKS (Stamus Network Community Edition) to start threat hunting on your network !


🐾 Download ruleset

💾 https://rules.pawpatrules.fr/suricata/paw-patrules.tar.gz

🐾 Official SID Range

✅ 3300000-3399999

🐾 Official Suricata OISF intel Index

✅ Official Suricata Rulesets sources on GitHub

🐾 Youtube channel

📺 https://www.youtube.com/@pawpatrules/

🐾 Report an issue

🚨 https://github.com/woundride/pawpatrules/issues

🐾 License

📃 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

🐾 Support the project

🎁 Donation